Mariana Mendes Delgado (Aveiro, Portugal, 1991).
The artist has developed a body of work around the concepts of ruin, memory and dystopia. She currently attends a PhD in Artistic Education at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto. Master in Contemporary Artistic Practices (2013-15) and holds a degree in Fine Arts - Painting obtained at the same institution (2009-13). Has exhibited frequently since 2013 highlighting the following exhibits: Sem Quartel/ Without Mercy, Sismógrafo in collaboration with Livraria Utopia, Gato Vadio, Confederação and Rua do Sol 172, Porto (2014); No Fim da História/ In The End of History, The BlackSheep Group Gallery, Lisbon (2015) and Biennale Jeune Création Européenne, Opportunity Knocks Only Once, France, Denmark, Poland, Latvia, Italy, Spain and Portugal (2015-17).