Ana Barbero has a PhD in Fine Arts (2009) with a thesis on the Management of Historic Heritage, University of Salamanca. PhD Prize (2011) and mention "European Doctor" .
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Specialties: Sculpture and Graphic Design). Specialist in Community Development and New Technologies; postgraduated in Cooperation and International Cultural Management, in Cultural Policy and Management of Historic Heritage .
As a teacher, researcher and trainer has worked with various organizations including the Piaget Institute in Viseu and Mirandela (Portugal ), the University of Salamanca (Spain), the University das Beiras (Viseu), APECV (Association of Teachers of Visual Education) in Porto (Portugal), Sete Pés (Portugal), Korea (Let,s Art).
Currently collaborating with the International University Isabel I and the International University of La Rioja (UNIR).
Researcher at i2ADS_Faculty of Fine Arts_University of Porto.
In the field of cultural management and Heritage has worked and collaborated for/with various public and private agencies (City of Tondela _Portugal; Institute Piaget_Portugal, Ministry of Cultura_Portugal; Commission for the Coordination and Development of the Center Region_Portugal Region, City of Bollullos of Mitación_Sevilla_España; City of Cáceres_España; Grau Vasco_Viseu / Portugal Museum Sete Pés ; Urban Strategy , JP Consultants , etc.)
PDF PhD Thesis: